Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024 Consolidated Football Federation tournament for the age group.
8U 5 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Apex Sports Authority
Apex Sports - 8U
0303-01ABBU8-0008   James Kober
 A2 North Raleigh Wake Forest PWA
NRWF 8URed Smith
0303-14ABBU8-0009   Christopher Smith
 A3 North Wake Saints
NW Saints 8u
0303-18ABBU8-0003   Nicholas Gay
 A4 Panthers U Sports Academy
Panthers U - 8U
0303-17ABBU8-0001   Robert Lee
 A5 Capital City Youth Sports
Capital City - 8U
0303-02ABBU8-0035   Jamaul Alexander